The authors analyze the peculiarities of the macro- and micro-environment in the conditions
of martial law in which Ukrainian industrial enterprises are forced to operate and directions
for overcoming the crisis in the economy as a result of the war, investigate aspects of the formation
of the mission and strategy of the enterprise in the conditions of the need to rebuild the
Ukrainian economy and the formation of a compliance program as a tool of minimization risks
and ensuring the sustainable development of metallurgical enterprises that are of strategic
importance to the state. The object of the study is the process of forming a compliance program
for an industrial enterprise, in particular a metallurgical one. The subject of the research
is theoretical approaches to defining the mission and development strategy of a metallurgical sector
enterprise using a compliance program, as well as scientific views, ideas, and concepts of domestic
scientists on issues of compliance implementation at domestic enterprises.The purpose of the study
is modern approaches to defining the mission and strategy with the application of the compliance
program as the main tool for ensuring protection against risks and maintaining the safety of the
operation of the enterprise of the metallurgical sector of the economy and the directions of
its further development in the Ukrainian realities in order to obtain competitive advantages
and increase the efficiency of the enterprises of this sphere.The research methodology is based
on scientific generalization, on the application of the dialectical method, genetic approach,
scientific abstraction, theoretical provisions of system analysis, methods of economic analysis.
The peculiarities of the formation of the compliance program are established, its main stages
are formulated, attention is focused on internal audit indicators and so-called indicators
of compliance with requirements and control over the achievement of these indicators based
on the application of decision support systems using artificial intelligence. As a result of the study,
the role, place and connections of the compliance program in the formation of the mission
and strategy of the metallurgical enterprise, which are related to the need to assess and
minimize risks, are determined

Innovative integrated computer systems in strategic project management: Collective monograph edited by I. Linde