Risk-oriented approach to optimising management in the context of using BIM technology
The article considers new approaches to the management of construction projects over the life cycle: design, construction, and operation of a building in the context of the introduction of information technology in Ukraine. In these circumstances, the scientific problems of assessing the
impact of organisational and economic risks in a crisis situation and possible innovations in the future on the quality, timing and cost of construction for the survival of construction organisations have become particularly relevant. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, the priority problems of managing organisational and economic risks in the construction industry have been identified. A methodology for assessing the risks of an investment project based on a risk-based approach is proposed. This will provide methodological support for obtaining real indicators for the leading project participants based on the current regulatory and reference framework using methods and models.

Information systems in project and program management: Collective monograph edited by I. Linde