Management of different nature projects in the mind-economy of the bani-world
The existing designations of the modern world state in the form of four-component abbreviations are considered. The expediency for new abbreviations to appear that more adequately correspond to its current essence is shown. It has been established the lack of studies revealing from the standpoint of a common model peculiarities of project activities aimed at various goals by the subjects of economic network relations (SENRs). The main features of the modern economy, which correspond to MIND-economy ("meaningful-intellectual-network-digital economy") are revealed. A 3D model of the SENR in the form of a tetrahedron is proposed, which has known components: object, process, project and environment. Within the framework of this model, the specifics of the "project" component's activity in the SENR’s projects of operation support, growth and development, and scenario planning are revealed. A graphical abbreviated model of the modern world and a probable future scenario based on VUCA, TUNA, BANI and TESD-worlds is proposed.

Information systems in project and program management: Collective monograph edited by I. Linde