Formation of investment attractiveness of intellectual capital of engineering companies in the context of improvement of innovation activities management
The study examines the formation of investment attractiveness of intellectual capital of engineering companies in the context of improving their innovative activities. Market conditions and problems of the engineering services segment are studied, the need for domestic engineering enterprises to comply with the international regulatory framework is emphasized. The need to build modern marketing information systems as an element of increasing the intellectual capital of the company and the marketing activity of engineering companies in increasing the commercial potential of innovative technologies is substantiated. It is proposed to use modern technologies for managing innovation activities, such as design thinking, organizational laws adapted to the specifics of engineering using the capabilities of project management, and the latest methods of personnel training. The directions of forming the intellectual capital of engineering companies are studied. Directions for investing in the intellectual capital of an enterprise providing engineering services are developed. The organizational capital of engineering companies, conditions and factors for its increase are studied

Decision support systems in project and program management: Collective monograph edited by I. Linde