Spatial assessment of infrastructure projects
The aim of the study is to improve the soundness of decisions on the choice of infrastructure development areas by taking into account spatial factors when evaluating infrastructure projects (IPs). The article analyzes the properties and features of such projects and the known methods of their evaluation. It is noted that existing methods are laborious, complex, and based on large amounts of data. This limits the benefits of their use, leads to a decrease in project efficiency and sustainability. The uniqueness of IP complicates design work, although most of them are regulated by current building codes. Astudy of the content of some of them confirms the need to take into account the spatial features of the area where IPis implemented. The examples show that the involvement of spatial analysis methods in the assessment already in the initial phases of the IP life cycle increases the thoroughness and accuracy of the initial project estimates (parameters, budget, timing), and further simplifies and accelerates the implementation of some project works, contributes to the achievement of sustainable development goals, and helps the public better understand the concept of IP and its features.

Decision support systems in project and program management: Collective monograph edited by I. Linde